The Prospect House School Parents’ Association (the PPA) is a friendly, informal organisation that helps to connect parents throughout the school. We aim to foster a sense of belonging and community through social events such as coffee mornings or evenings in local pubs and restaurants. We organise fun activities for the children such as school discos, Christmas party games, gingerbread decorating and an annual Easter egg hunt. The PPA also has a fundraising role. We support a different local charity each year with our eagerly anticipated, hugely entertaining and ever-so-slightly competitive Annual Charity Quiz Night. We also raise funds through the sale of second-hand uniform and with other ad hoc events such as cake, toy and book sales.
The PPA comprises a small core committee (usually four to five parents), that is ably and enthusiastically supported by a larger team of Class Representatives (or Reps). Each year group has three to four Class Reps who organise social events for parents in their own year group and coordinate parent involvement in school-wide PPA activities.
If you have recently joined the school community and have not yet met your Class Reps, please email us at and we can put you in touch. Similarly feel free to drop us an email if you would like to get involved or would just like to know more about what we do.